Monday 19 May 2014

Snowflake Obsidian

Snowflake Obsidian promotes a dispassionate attitude. Many times we can become very angry. We don't know how to control our temper. Snowflake Obsidian is a great stone to use when you have anger management issues. There are various ways you can use this stone to alleviate the tension inside. You can carry it in your pocket to hold whenever your moods trouble you. This crystal is good for absorbing negative feelings. 

This stone is especially good for meditation involving the Sacral Chakra. The Sacral Chakra is the second chakra going up from the root. This chakra is about our sexuality. These organs deal with issues centering around control. When we are having control issues we might wish to try meditating by placing a piece of Snowflake Obsidian on the pelvic region.

Sunday 18 May 2014


The more I receive, the more others are able to receive. 

I am achieving my goals easily. 

I desire, believe in, and accept my highest good. 

As I manifest my own highest good, I allow others to manifest theirs. 

I am achieving my goals easily, effortlessly, and harmoniously. 

I patiently trust in the power of the universe.

My heart's desire is coming true. 

I listen to and honor my inner female.